Captures éditions

Captures’ initial priority was to publish artists' books, an association artist, graphic designer and publisher, free of all constraints. Subsequently, with the constant desire to prioritize the artist's voice, uncover research, differences and debates on the question of art, other collections were born: monographs, collective works and interviews.


TRAVAIL À FAÇON, Elisabeth Ballet, 2025

LJC EPHEMERA, Lefevre Jean Claude, 2025
Tomes 2, 3 & 4

Les Presses du réel

New Releases


The two cover versions - Musée de la Mémoire ‘PROPRIÉTÉ UNIVERSELLE’ ®

Joëlle Tuerlinckx

Joëlle Tuerlinckx

Archive d'atelier©Joëlle Tuerlinckx

Studio's Archive©Joëlle Tuerlinckx

Studio's Archive©Joëlle Tuerlinckx

Duncan Campbell

Rainer Oldendorf

Charlotte Moth

collection 2 / 5

Claude Closky

Polly Apfelbaum

Francesc Ruiz

Àngels Ribé

Ernst Caramelle

Cécile Bart

Isa Melsheimer

Gianni Pettena


Christiane Geoffroy

Collection Digressions # 1 - 10

Digressions # 11

John Armleder

Ana Jotta

Teo Schifferli

William Kentridge

Furkart ephemera - Thomas Rogriguez

Francesc Ruiz

Susanne Bürner

Dector & Dupuy

George Trakas

The House of Raw Matter

Jessica Stockholder

Alejandra Riera

Valérie du Chéné & Arlette Farge

Matt Mullican

Alain Bernardini

Rochechinard. Mémoire d'une maison-musée