Captures éditions
Les Pélicans du Petit Palais. A day, a place, a work. Cécile Bart (born in Dijon, 1958) chose the A5 notebook and movement. From page to page, colour intersects and overlaps – that of her painted fabrics – and images corresponding to a series of photographs of the Les Pélicans sculpture (1906) by Bugatti-Rembrandt, taken by the artist at the Petit Palais (Paris) in 2018.
Gianni Pettena (born in Bolzano,1940) reinterprets his work Tumbleweeds Catcher, a performance conducted with students from the University of Utah where Pettena was visiting professor in 1971 and 1972. Pettena erects a wooden tower in downtown Salt Lake City to capture tumbleweeds, dry bushes moved along by the wind in the Great American West. On the front cover, Pettena’s text reveals his performance, an ode to nature, which would take its revenge on a space controlled by man. Folded into A5.
Concret Star. As part of her investigations of concrete architecture, Isa Melsheimer (born in Neuss, 1968) invested in a place located in Märkische Viertel, a former social housing
district of Berlin (1960’s-70’s). For the recto, an entire mise en scène was conceived for a photographic shot of her own character in front of artist Erich Reischke’s
sculpture (currently in the process of revegetation) for which she designed clothes and a mask. A gouache of the object alone is slipped around and onto the verso. Folded into A4.
expansion zigzag. The use of the same motif – the face, the house and the zigzag employed on different scales, in relation to architecture and for works on paper – is a constant in Ernst Caramelle’s work (born in Hall, 1952). The zigzag motif appeared early, in exhibitions at the Buades Gallery in Madrid and at Nächst St. Stephan in Vienna. The zigzag was central to the series “sun-pieces”, a work that plays on duality and positive and negative shapes, comprising the cutting of masses of tinted papers whose physical substance has been impacted by the effects of the sun. Zigzag Expansion made for edition 2/5, is one variation of this principle. Folded into A4.
2/5 falls into the artists’ books series published by Captures. Four guests per year work within the same space of an open A2 format sheet (420 x 594mm), giving rise to various proposals depending on how the sheet is folded. This new collection is based on the principle of subscription – every three months members receive a new artist’s publication delivered to their mailboxes.
Graphic design: Jocelyne Fracheboud. Photoengraving: Bruno Voidey.
Guests 2020
John Armleder
Ana Jotta
William Kentridge
Teo Schifferli
Guests 2022
Francesc Ruiz
Àngels Ribé
Polly Apfelbaum
Claude Closky
Price for 2 publications: 10 € + shipping
Price for 3 publications: 30€ + shipping
Price for 4 publications : 45 € - shipping included
Price for 2 / 5 2020-2024 : 120 € - shipping included