Captures éditions

Duncan Campbell

Duncan Campbell

Duncan Campbell

Duncan Campbell

Charlotte Moth

Charlotte Moth

Charlotte Moth

Charlotte Moth

Charlotte Moth

Rainer Oldendorf

Rainer Oldendorf

Rainer Oldendorf

Rainer Oldendorf

Rainer Oldendorf

Jessica Stockholder

Jessica Stockholder

Jessica Stockholder

Jessica Stockholder

Jessica Stockholder

Jessica Stockholder

Duncan Campbell
THE WAY IS THE WAY – ” The artwork is based on an electromagnetic mechanical display – the same technology as the ticking, flipping arrivals/departure boards from airports and railway stations. I am interested in how ubiquitous this representation of value is and the scope of things it is now applied to. It is so clear and effective, often nothing like the mess that underlies the determination. The front side of the A2 sheet shows
progress and the back, reversal or catastrophe.”

Charlotte Moth
FOREVER – “TO AN INSIGNIFICANT FLOWER, OBSCURELY BLOOMING IN A LONELY WILD. Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery, by John Clare, a Northamptonshire Peasant. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, Fleet Street; and E. Drury, Stamford, 1820. Forgotten Books.”

Rainer Oldendorf
The photomontage connects the canal flowing through the Isthmus of Corinth to Mantegna’s house in Mantua and the Pantheon in Rome. The views from the Corinth Canal are taken from the film: Rainer Oldendorf, marco14 and CIAM4 / Shipwreck with spectator, 2017.

Jessica Stockholder
PREPOSITIONS – ”Prepositions speak to relations between things as language is put to unfolding events. This 2/5 project titled Prepositions brings a number of prepositions into contact with matter in the form of paper, color, shape, and space”.

2/5 falls into the artists’ books series published by Captures. Four guests per year work within the same space of an open A2 format sheet (420 x 594mm), giving rise to various proposals depending on how the sheet is folded. This new collection is based on the principle of subscription – every three months members receive a new artist’s publication delivered to their mailboxes. Graphic design: Jocelyne Fracheboud. Photoengraving: Bruno Voidey.

Guests 2020
John Armleder
Ana Jotta
William Kentridge
Teo Schifferli

Guests 2021
Cécile Bart
Ernst Caramelle
Isa Melsheimer
Gianni Pettena

Guests 2022
Polly Apfelbaum
Claude Closky
Àngels Ribé
Francesc Ruiz

Guests 2023-2024
Duncan Campbell
Charlotte Moth
Rainer Oldendorf
Jessica Stockholder

Price for 1 publication: 10 € + shipping
Price for 2 publications: 10 € + shipping
Price for 3 publications: 30€ + shipping
Price for 4 publications : 45 € - shipping included
Price for 2 / 5 2020-2024 : 120 € - shipping included
Confirm the selected publicatons in the cart / order notes
