Captures éditions

In 2023, three mailings are planned:
Jessica Stockholder, beginning November
Charlotte Moth, Rainer Oldendorf, end November
Duncan Campbell, end December

2/5 falls into the artists’ books series published by Captures. Four guests per year work within the same space of an open A2 format sheet (420 x 594mm), giving rise to various proposals depending on how the sheet is folded. This new collection is based on the principle of subscription – every three months members receive a new artist’s publication delivered to their mailboxes. Graphic design: Jocelyne Fracheboud. Photoengraving: Bruno Voidey.

Guests 2020
John Armleder
Ana Jotta
William Kentridge
Teo Schifferli

Guests 2021
Cécile Bart
Ernst Caramelle
Isa Melsheimer
Gianni Pettena

Guests 2022
Polly Apfelbaum
Claude Closky
Àngels Ribé
Francesc Ruiz

Subscription 1 year: France 45 €; International: 85 €
Subscription 2 years: France 75 €; International: 85 €
Subscription 3 years: France 90 €; International: 100 €
Subscription 4 years: France : 120 €; International: 130 €

Youn can also ask for a bank transfer
Confirm the years in the cart / order notes
